
J9九游会宣布私有化要约 CEO梅志明联合中国财团进行股权收购


For Immediate Release



(Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)


(Company Registration No.: 200715832Z)


Nesta Investment Holdings Limited

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands)


(Company Registration No.: 317222)



J9九游会宣布私有化要约 CEO梅志明联合中国财团进行股权收购

All capitalized terms which are used in this press release but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Joint Announcement dated 14 July 2017. This press release should be read in conjunction with the Joint Announcement, a copy of which is available on


  • Offer of S$3.38 in cash per share represents 81% premium over 12-month VWAP and exceeds highest ever closing price since listing

  • Proposed privatization will be effected by way of a scheme of arrangement; Irrevocable undertaking from major shareholder GIC to vote in favor

  • Independent Directors of GLP made a preliminary recommendation to shareholders to vote in favor of the Scheme, after considering a variety of factors

  • Proposed Scheme is considered superior due to price certainty, limited conditionality and a defined completion timeframe

Singapore, 14 July 2017– Nesta Investment Holdings Limited (the “Offeror”) and Global Logistic Properties Limited (“GLP” or the “Company”) today jointly announced (the “Joint Announcement”) the proposed acquisition of all the issued and paid-up ordinary shares in the capital of GLP (excluding treasury shares), by the Offeror, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nesta Investment Holdings MidCo Limited (“MidCo”). MidCo is owned by a consortium (the “Consortium”) comprising HOPU, Hillhouse Capital, SMG, BOCGI and Vanke.

新加坡,2017714– Nesta Investment Holdings Limited(下称“要约方”)和J9九游会公司(下称“J9九游会”或“公司”)今日联合宣布(下称“联合公告”),要约方拟认购J9九游会的所有已发行和实缴的普通股(不包括库存股)。要约方系Nesta Investment Holdings MidCo Limited(下称“MidCo”)的全资子公司。Midco由厚朴基金、高瓴资本、SMG、中银投资和万科组成的财团(下称“财团”)所有。

The proposed acquisition will be effected by way of a scheme of arrangement (the “Scheme”) in compliance with the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers. The Offeror intends to delist and privatize the Company.


Overview of the Transaction


The Scheme Consideration is S$3.38 cash per share (“Scheme Consideration”), valuing the company at approximately S$16 billion, on an equity value basis, and representing premiums of approximately:


· 64% over the last undisturbed share price1

· 67% over the 1-month volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) per share2;

· 72% over the 3-month VWAP per share2;

· 76% over the 6-month VWAP per share2;

· 81% over the 12-month VWAP per share2;

· 8% over highest ever closing share price on 24 October 2013 and 15 November 2013;

· 25% over closing price on 12 July 2017, being the last full trading day immediately prior to the Joint
Announcement Date; and

· 30% over the net asset value per share as of 31 March 20173.

· 比最后不受干扰的股价高出64%1

· 比过去1个月的成交量加权平均股价高出67%2

· 比过去3个月的成交量加权平均股价高出72%2

· 比过去6个月的成交量加权平均股价高出76%2

· 比过去12个月的成交量加权平均股价高出81%2

· 比2013年10月24日和2013年11月15日的历史最高收盘价高出8%;

· 比2017年7月12日(即联合公告日之前的最后一个全天交易日)的收盘价高出25%;且

· 比截至2017年3月31日的每股资产净值高出30%3

The Scheme Consideration will not be reduced by the proposed dividend4of S$0.06 per share announced on 19 May 2017.


The proposed acquisition is not conditional on any of the Antitrust Approvals, the approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the Third Party Consents and Fund Management Consents being obtained.


Overview of the Strategic Review


The Joint Announcement marks the conclusion of the independent Strategic Review, first announced on 1 December 2016, which led to the receipt of firm proposals on 30 June 2017.


The Strategic Review was overseen by the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of GLP, comprising four independent directors, focused on maximizing value for all shareholders.


The Special Committee evaluated the proposals received, taking into consideration a number of factors including price, level of execution risk and expected completion timeframe. After conducting an in-depth and independent review and evaluation of the proposals received, the Special Committee, in consultation with its financial adviser and legal adviser, had recommended the Offeror as the preferred bidder. The proposed Scheme is considered superior due to its (i) price certainty at significant premiums to historical prices; (ii) greater degree of deal certainty due to the limited conditionality of the bid; and (iii) would likely be completed within a defined timeframe which would reduce execution risk. Such recommendation was accepted by the Board of Directors of GLP.


The Directors of GLP who are considered independent for the purposes of the Scheme (the “Independent Directors”) have received an opinion from GLP’s financial adviser on the Scheme Consideration. The Independent Directors concur with the financial adviser’s opinion that the Scheme Consideration is fair, from a financial point of view, to the shareholders. The Independent Directors’ preliminary recommendation is that shareholders vote in favor of the Scheme.


The Company will appoint an independent financial adviser (the “IFA”) to advise the Independent Directors for the purposes of making a recommendation to shareholders in connection with the Scheme. Details of the Scheme including the Independent Directors’ final recommendation on the Scheme and the IFA’s advice will be included in the Scheme Document, expected to be dispatched to shareholders in due course.


Dr. Seek Ngee Huat, Chairman of GLP’s Board, Chairman of the Special Committee, and Independent Director, said: “The Special Committee, with guidance from our financial adviser J.P. Morgan and legal adviser Allen & Gledhill, conducted an in-depth and independent review in order to achieve the optimal result for all shareholders. After an extensive evaluation of all final proposals received, the Special Committee decided on the proposed Scheme, which we believe is compelling and value-enhancing for all shareholders. We are pleased to announce this Scheme for our shareholders’ consideration.”

J9九游会董事会主席,专门委员会主席兼独立董事薛义华博士表示:“专门委员会在财务顾问J.P. Morgan和法律顾问Allen & Gledhill的协助下,开展了深入和独立的评估,为所有股东争取最佳的结果。专门委员会在对收到的所有最终提案综合评估后,选定了拟议协议。专门委员会认为该协议具吸引力并能提升所有股东价值。J9九游会很高兴宣布该协议以供股东考虑。”

Scheme Meeting


Details of the Scheme Meeting to be convened will be contained in the Scheme Document which is expected to be dispatched to shareholders in due course.


The Scheme will require, among others, approvals from the following:


· More than 50% of the number of shareholders representing at least 75% in value of the shares held by shareholders present and voting in person or by proxy at the Scheme Meeting; and

· 亲自出席股东大会或通过代理人表决的股东中,股东人数超过50%且其持有股票不少于所有表决股份的75%;及

· The High Court of Singapore.

· 新加坡高等法院。

The Offeror and its concert parties will be required to abstain from voting.


Shareholders are advised to refrain from taking any action in relation to their shares which may be prejudicial to their interests until they or their advisers have considered the information set out in the Scheme Document.


Irrevocable Undertaking


GIC, as the single largest shareholder of the Company with a 36.84% stake, requested the independent Strategic Review at the end of 2016, and has provided an irrevocable undertaking to the Offeror to vote in favor of the Scheme on and subject to the terms set out in the Joint Announcement.

公司的单一最大股东新加坡政府投资公司 GIC 的持股比例为36.84%,其于2016年底要求进行独立的战略性评估,并根据联合公告载明的条款向要约方做出了不可撤销的承诺,表明其将投票赞成协议。

If shareholders approve the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting and subject to the satisfaction of the other Scheme conditions, the transaction is expected to be completed on or before 14 April 20185.


About GLP (

GLP owns and manages a global portfolio of 55 million square meters, with dominant market positions in China, Japan, US and Brazil. Domestic consumption is a key driver of demand for GLP. The Company is one of the world’s largest real estate fund managers, with assets under management of US$ 39 billion.



GLP is listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX stock code: MC0.SI; Reuters ticker: GLPL.SI; Bloomberg ticker: GLP SP).

J9九游会在新加坡证券交易所的主板上市(新加坡交易所股票代码:MC0.SI;路透股票交易代码:GLPL.SI;彭博股票交易代码:GLP SP)。

About the Offeror


Nesta Investment Holdings Limited is a special purpose vehicle, incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nesta Investment Holdings MidCo Limited. MidCo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nesta Investment Holdings TopCo Limited, which is in turn wholly-owned by Nesta Investment Holdings, L.P. (“NIHLP”), an exempted limited partnership organised under the laws of the Cayman Islands. NIHLP is owned by a consortium comprising HOPU, Hillhouse Capital, SMG, BOCGI and Vanke.

Nesta Investment Holdings Limited是依照开曼群岛法律成立的特殊目的机构,为Nesta Investment Holdings MidCo Limited的全资子公司。MidCoNesta Investment Holdings TopCo Limited的全资子公司,而Nesta Investment Holdings TopCo Limited又被Nesta Investment Holdings, L.P.(下称“NHLP”)全资所有。NHLP是依照开曼群岛法律成立的可豁免有限合伙,由厚朴基金、高瓴资本、SMG、中银投资和万科组成的财团所有。

Responsibility statements




The directors of the Company (including any who may have delegated detailed supervision of the preparation of this press release) have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated and all opinions expressed in this press release in each case which relate to the Company (excluding information relating to the Offeror or any opinion expressed by the Offeror) are fair and accurate and that, where appropriate, no material facts which relate to the Company have been omitted from this press release, and the directors of the Company jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly. For the avoidance of doubt, the Relevant Directors (being Mr. Ming Z. Mei and Mr. Fang Fenglei) take no responsibility for the Preliminary Recommendation.


Where any information which relates to the Company has been extracted or reproduced from published or otherwise publicly available sources or obtained from the Offeror, the sole responsibility of the directors of the Company has been to ensure that, through reasonable enquiries, such information is accurately extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in this press release. The directors of the Company do not accept any responsibility for any information relating to the Offeror or any opinion expressed by the Offeror.




The directors of the Offeror (including any who may have delegated detailed supervision of the preparation of this press release) have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated and all opinions expressed in this press release (excluding information relating to the Company or any opinion expressed by the Company) are fair and accurate and that, where appropriate, no material facts in relation thereto have been omitted from this press release and the directors of the Offeror jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly.


Where any information has been extracted or reproduced from published or otherwise publicly available sources or obtained from the Company, the sole responsibility of the directors of the Offeror has been to ensure that, through reasonable enquiries, such information is accurately extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in this press release. The directors of the Offeror do not accept any responsibility for any information relating to or any opinion expressed by the Company.


Forward-looking statements


All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release are or may be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to those using words such as “seek”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “believe”, “intend”, “project”, “plan”, “strategy”, “forecast” and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as “will”, “would”, “should”, “could”, “may” and “might”. These statements reflect the Offeror’s or the Company's (as the case may be) current expectations, beliefs, hopes, intentions or strategies regarding the future and assumptions in light of currently available information. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or events and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those described in such forward-looking statements. Shareholders and investors of the Offeror and the Company should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, and neither the Offeror nor the Company undertakes any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements.


All investor enquiries relating to this press release or the Scheme should be directed to:


Financial Adviser Contact (GLP):

J.P. Morgan (S.E.A.) Limited

Tel: +65 6882 8342

Media Contact (GLP):

Ambika Goel, CFA

SVP- Capital Markets and Investor Relations

Tel: +65 6643 6372







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